It’s Auction Time!

I hope all is well with you and your family as you are reading this article. All is fairly well at Rockie Hill Bison.
The first and second crops of hay are stored for anoth-er year. We got lucky with no rain on either one. Also, oats have been harvested and in the bin. We got lucky there, too. These are the best oats I have ever grown. Thirteen acres yielded 1,260 bushels at 35 test weight.
We didn’t get away anywhere this year with the goofy world the way it is. We had planned to go to the International Conference in Canada but with all the covid hoop-la-la, we opted to stay home. That is the first International Conference we have ever missed. Three of us in the U.S. had been to them all until this year. Fellow member, Susan Maass, and the two of us all stayed home.
Speaking of covid and such, as of now at the auction there is no testing, no vaccination cards, or masks required. So, if you are in the same mindset as I am, consign some bison and come to the sale. Be sure to gather with friends that you have not seen for a while.
The auction will once again offer online bidding through Jud Seaman’s Quality Auction Services. Full details and consignment forms will be USPS mailed by October 5th. Online consigning will be offered as well at the MnBA website: when consignment opens in October.
New this year, from an idea from your MnBA Presi-dent, Kris Holmen, are three belt buckles that will be awarded at the sale. Look elsewhere in the newsletter for details and designs.
If you have friends that have bison yet and are not MnBA members, please consider sharing consignment information with them. Non-members are welcome as consignors. They are charged a convenience fee.
Volunteers are essential for the auction to take place. Help is needed Thursday afternoon, all day Friday, and Saturday.
Kris Holmen (320-492-0544) and Jacob Meyer (320-249-4812) are again coordinators for setup. Please call me or one of them if you are willing to give a hand.
We’ll see you in Albany!
Dave Griffin
Auction Committee Chair
(507) 458-5426
Animals for the show segment will be unloaded between 9 a.m. & 1 p.m. on Friday, November 25th. Judging will commence at 2 p.m. Non-show animals will continue to be unloaded until 4 p.m.
Consignment forms & full details will be mailed by October 5th, 2022.
Here is the list of classes for you to consign animals:
- Bull Calves
- Yearling Bulls
- 2-Year-Old Bulls
- Heifer Calves
- Producer’s Pride Heifer Calves (3-5 animals)
- Yearling Heifers
- Producer’s Pride Yearling Heifers (3-5 animals)
- 2-Year-Old Heifers (Open or Bred)
- Mature Cows (Open or Bred)